Long birth!

Tiffany • Maverick born 11/30/15. Loving the mom life now.
I went in Saturday at 6am to be induced. They started me on cervadil which is meant to thin out my cervix. It takes 12 hrs to work. In the mean time,I had about 4 Drs/nurses with their hands inside me,checking everything out. I was told by everyone that it was a tight fit inside and they were having a hard time finding my cervix. This caused soreness and pain. The first cervadil didn't work so they tried a second. Again-very painful to put in and check since my cervix was difficult. That one didn't work either. The options were to start pitocin and see what happened or do a c-section. We wanted to give my body all of the opportunities to do it natural so we said we would start the pit and wait. This was Sunday morning. I started feeling pressure from the contractions and was checked several times. On Monday at 3am one nurse said I was 6 centimeters dilated and thinned out about 80%. Monday morning was the final call to decide on a section or vaginal birth. At 5 another nurse checked and said I was a 10 and ready to go. I was stoked. Let's get this party started. The dr came in and said nope-I was only at a 7bor 8 and not ready. Dang. I was so irritated and upset. At this time it was shift change and the next nurse that came in had a solid plan to get my labor moving so I decided to wait and see if my body would work. I was able to push enough to get to a 10 but baby was still really high. I let him work down and then we tried to push. I pushed for an hour before the dr came in and said the baby was stuck at my pelvis and we could try to push and work him out or do the section. I had nothing left in me so I opted for the section. At 1:18 yesterday little man came into the world,sunny side up with the cord around his neck. I am so sore today and everything hurts but I'm glad he's finally here!! Maverick-20inches long and 7lbs 12ozs!!