Positive opk 13, ovulation day Cd14..6dpo had what i thought was spotting, 7dpo negative pregnancy test, 8dpo pregnancy test negative, ferning ovulation scope!

Jayde • Jayde ♡ TTC BABY #2 ♡ Son~ 3 YEAR OLD 💙 MUMMA! 👩‍👦 HAPPILY TAKEN 💕

Cd 13 - Ovulation scope -full ferns, cramping

Cd 14 - Ovulation scope - partial ferning, cramping

** OPK- Positive

3dpo- light cramping, bloated, frequent urination

4dpo- light cramping, fatigue, frequent urination, bloated

5po- light cramping, frequent urination, dizziness, bloating

6dpo - twinges, light cramps, ( 2-3 drops spotting), headache, backache, bloating

7dpo - negative pregnancy test, twinges and pulling, frequent urination, dizziness, bloating

Ovulation ferning scope- 8dpo full ferns, dizziness, frequent urination, bloating

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