2 years old in the front seat?!

So I know it’s none of my business but a good friend of mine put their 2 year old toddler in the front seat of their car and It just kinda blows my mind. I mean okay the child loves it there because there’s a better view but you never know what crazy driver could cause an accident and that child could be in great danger, internal decapitation is no joke... In my opinion, kids should be rear facing until 4 years old at the back seat for their safety. To me it’s just so irresponsible.

What’s your opinion? Would you say anything to your friend in this case? They know about car seat safety, they just don’t care. They also don’t strap the toddler in properly with the shoulder straps because “he doesn’t like it”. so They only strap him in around his waist. Again, the kid is 2, years old.... Opinions?

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