Sculiosis or Tuberculosis?


So all 15 of the babies that were born 2 weeks ago are doing great but #15 aka champ is looking a little off. He has a curve to his back that just doesn’t look right. He still manages to get food and eats well. He swims okay, but he just seems a little misshapen in his spine and you can tell it with the angle of his tail fin.

I have a picture of him next to one of his siblings from the same drop and you can see that other one has the proper streamline shape you’d expect from your average guppy fry. But from about a week old Champ has been a little different. It’s become much more noticeable now and I’m concerned if I should quarantine him. If he’s just not gonna make it. I have no clue

I really don’t want to euthanize him but from my research on both of those diseases in fish is that most are euthanized instead of treating or letting them just die naturally. He doesn’t seem inhibited or sickly at all. Just shaped a little different from literally every other fry from the drop. Idk I’m a little confused and concerned on what to do or I should do.

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