Distracted nurser !!!

Jacky • 24

At this point I wanna give up lol my lo started getting distracted at 2 months. She will not feed longer than 5 mins I swear. She pops off & on constant. Everything distracts her. I honestly worry that she doesn’t eat enough in a day due to being interested in the world all day lol! She eats better at night bc she’s half asleep and actually finishes a feed. She only gets 4-5 diapers a day and they’re not even like soaking just always light/medium! She never finishes a feed! I try to get her during her naps and feed her when she’s drowsy but she’ll just fall asleep.

She’s 5 months and I feel like it gets worse as it goes lol. I’m convinced she takes in all her calories at night she’ll wake 3-4 times. I’ve tried being in a empty room with nothing but she still just likes to look around !! I bought a necklace for her to play w while she feeds & nope. A nursing cover nope. I’m struggling! Sometimes I just want to stop bf bc I worry about her weigh gain. At her 4month checkup she was 15.6oz lb the dr said she was perfect. She recently turned 5m a few days ago and i want to schedule her an appointment to check her weight to be on the safe side. What can I do?//: any other mommas have distracted baby 24/7???