FTM looking for advice

I’m a FTM and forever worried that I’m not doing the right thing. My most recent worry is if my baby is sleeping too much or being stimulated enough.

My daughter has always been a good sleeper. She was sleeping most of the night, but would wake up around 1am for a bottle. She is now sleeping all through the night. Her bedtime generally being 9-9:30 and she wakes up around 5:30, eats, and then sleeps until 7:30.

She is up in the morning for playtime until she starts getting sleepy, usually around 9-10 usually - so then we feed her and put her down for a nap. She will typically sleep until 12-1ish depending. She’s then up again to eat and for playtime, going down for her second nap again sometime between 2-4ish depending on the day and will sleep usually until 6:30-7. Then she’s up until bedtime. She then sleeps throughout the night.

I just keep reading so many different things and feel like I’m doing the wrong thing with her sleep. She takes 2 longer naps and idk if she should be taking 3 shorter naps? We don’t wake her up from her naps and typically let her choose her schedule for naps and sleep for however long she wants.

We constantly do playtime, singing, reading when she is up, but of course I never feel like I’m doing enough to help her development.


FTM worried I’m letting my 13, almost 14wk old sleep too much and not doing enough activities with her.

Snapshot of our routine below:

5:30am she wakes up for a diaper change/breakfast bud is usually still sleepy so we put her back down

7:30 am she wakes up - we do playtime/learning activities for however long she is happy - we then feed her and put her down for her morning nap between 9-10ish when she is typically tired

We let her sleep how however long she wants

12-1ish is when she usually gets up and eats then we do playtime and other activities

She typically goes down for a second nap between 2-4pm sleeping till about 6-7ish to eat

She’s then up until bedtime (more playtime/activities) - then we do a bedtime routine, she eats one last time and sleeps through the night