Embryos not implanting


Hello everyone!

I had "successful" <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> at age 43 (I'm English, I live in France and had <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> in Spain!) and had 3 x 6 day blastocytes grade 5AB

Unfortunately I had to have a heart operation shortly afterwards so I froze them. When I was well enough and off all my heart meds and on full form, I went back for the transfer. I have since had 2 failed transfers (July 2020 and Oct 2020). Womb lining perfect etc for implantation.

I know it can be the embryos that have genetic faults etc but what more can I do to up my chances for this 3rd and final transfer?

Has anyone done an era?

I take supplements and lead a healthy lifestyle.

They also use the embryo glue each time which is already mixed in the solution during transfer, which is also done by ultrasound.

Thanks for any help

Rebeccz, Paris, FRANCE 🇫🇷