Positive pregnancy test 10 days after period


The weirdest thing happened... so my husband and I are trying for baby #2. I got my period March 18 but it only lasted like 2-3 days. The first day was heavier and the other 2 days were light and more like pink/brown spotting. Nothing crazy. Then yesterday I noticed a little pink spotting (thought nothing of it) and today the same thing. I felt compelled to take a pregnancy test and did. Took 3 pink dye tests and all came out positive. Very faint line, but nonetheless it’s there. I was just curious if anyone else experienced this and still had a viable pregnancy? I don’t want to get too excited.. I did message my OB tonight so I’ll hear from them soon. Any experiences with this? Was it even my period? Idk!

Picture below for positive test. I’m so confused haha.

I have a blood test tomorrow so we will see.