Feeling like my relationship is falling apart


Guess I kinda just need to rant or get some advice. Long post ahead.

I feel like my relationship is falling apart. Things were going so great for the past month almost 2 months (so I thought) We even talked about moving our wedding date up to June from September. The past week all we’ve done is fought over stupid things. The first big fight was a misunderstanding. I made a comment to his friend about HIM being desperate for sex since I’ve been having issues with my menstrual cycle. He took it as ME being desperate and accused me of cheating pretty much. And told me I have been talking in my sleep about my ex. (Which I find hard to believe because it’s been 3 years since we’ve been together and I don’t dream about him lol) the second big fight was about him coming home drunk every night after work. We had Easter plans yesterday with my family after he got off work. I asked him to not drink and he assured me he was coming straight home. But instead comes in the door and tells me he drank. I was upset so we didn’t even end up going. We’ve been in couples counseling for about a month now and I thought it was helping and things were going good. He even told our therapist that he was much happier since starting. But during our fight he mentioned that the past two months he’s stopped caring about everything and no longer cares anymore. He says it’s always about me. But never about him. Told me he pretty much was tired of taking care of me and called me lazy and stupid because I’ve slacked off on house work. (I babysit in our home, it’s hard to keep my house spotless like I use to be able to with 2 kiddos running around almost every day. I also am a full time student and I’ve been working really hard to keep my grades up.) We had an agreement that I either got a job or went back to school. So I took advantage and decided to go back to school to get my associates degree in medical assisting. I babysit as well so I have some income coming in. It’s not much but enough to help with the bills. I feel like he’s been hiding his true feelings from me. I feel like maybe he’s falling out of love with me. I’m not sure what to do. I am willing to do anything to save our relationship because I see a future with this man, but this past week has been horrible with the arguing and the fights. I don’t want to leave him. We’ve been together for 2 years now. He doesn’t talk to me about his problems, and I know he has depression and anxiety issues as well as ptsd from war. He doesn’t want to get help with those issues but I don’t know how to help him. Other than being there for him. During these fights he’s told me to leave and said he was leaving as well and moving to Alabama. Not sure what is there for him. 🤷🏻‍♀️ what more can I do? Am I the problem?