Pms/pmt symptoms and ttc+ivf starting soon ramblings

Hi all, sorry I am offloading slightly on this post as I haven't shared our fertility journey with family or friends. Just feel we'd prefer to keep it private and it feels less pressure we're about to start <a href="">IVF</a> soon.

Today is CD8 and I only finished my period yesterday and I feel physically drained. I notice that I get alot of anxiety and feel extremely hormonal on my period that might be due to the emotional side of ttc as much as the period. I find day to day I struggle, I was made redundant last year and recently decided to pause job hunting it been tiring. Sorry this is long and rambling just wanted to vent a bit I suppose.

Does anyone else find it easier not to share with your family as then there's less questions but also find it difficult to cope sometimes. Today I am extremely unmotivated to do anything.