Got my blastocyst results!!

Sal • One 💙, one 👼🏻, one 🌈 🎀, by ovulation induction after 2 failed IVF cycles 🤯 | Hypothyroidism & lean pcos 🤨

Ok ladies, just got my report on my 5/6 day blastocysts, what do you think??

17 eggs retrieved, 16 mature

10 fertilized normally (<a href="">IVF</a> not ICSI)

5 day 5/6 blastocysts formed with these grades: 2 A/A, 1 B/C, 1 C/C, 1 D/D

The D/D is not viable so it was not frozen. That means 4 blasts were biopsies and sent for PGT. We did not do a fresh transfer given my OHSS risks.

My questions:

- guesses on how many I’ll lose after PGT? I am 33 if that helps.

- how important are the grades? Could that C/C still be a viable baby really? I know the A/A grades are good news

Thank you!!