Traumatic birth story..

Mel • Boy April 21 💙👶 Girl due early Oct 23

I went into hospital for induction on Sunday 18/04, at 40+10 weeks. My 1st round of gel was at 6pm that night. I had another 3 rounds of gel over the next 24hrs & it wasn't effective at all. They then decided to put a stronger medicine on a bandaid type patch against my cervix at 2am on the Tuesday morning. 2hrs later I was found in the toilet having a severe contraction (5min one which was extremely dangerous to bub). My water also started to break.They took it out & gave me an injection to stop the contractions. I was then wheeled to the birthing suite. From there I had the worst 14+ hours of labour experience (I was only checked at the start for dilation but the negligent last midwife who took over NEVER checked my dilation properly at the end & I never fully dilated). I went between the shower, bath & bed (none gave me proper comfort). I also tried ALL drugs for pain relief (I will never recommend the sterile injection- worst pain ever). After pushing for over 5hrs, my husband demanded a Dr come in to determine my next move (by this point I was beyond exhausted, in extreme pain & non stop crying- plus bubs heart rate wasn't the best). The Dr checked me & realised I was only 8cm dilated & not meant to be pushing (after the Epidural I closed up even more). They decided then to put me into emergency caesarian (I had already asked for it the night before but was told they wanted to try natural 1st). Then came the worst experience of my life. After bub came out (late Tuesday night) he wasn't breathing on his own (trauma from being stuck in the birth canal for over 5hrs) & I reacted nearly fatally to a blood loss drug. I didn't get to hold my son in my arms for 13hrs after giving birth to him & my hubby was kicked out whilst they tried to get all my stat's to a safe level.

Though it was the worst experience of my life I am forever grateful I have my perfect little boy in my arms, he is totally worth all the pain (physically & mentally)..