Unmedicated birth at 36weeks


So ,im 34+2 today and very likely to be induced or have a c cestion at 36weeks. Im dilated 2cm and my placenta is at a stage 2 which means it started aging early and doctors asume that by 36 weeks my placenta will look like its supposed to at 40 weeks gestation which wont be good for my baby girl..

Has anyone been induced without any medications? In my country and town they almost never give epidural due to lack of anestesiologist and it being expensive for the hospital. Stupid,i know. They also do the episiotomy at the begging of birth just so baby can go out faster even if it maybe wont be necessary. Im scared of the pain of being induced and sewed after episiotomy without epidural, anyone had experiences? 😟

And how was your baby, did he/she have to stay at NICU? My baby is currently estimated at 45cm , 2279grams