First IVF planned for August....


Our story: DH and I are 38 and TTC#2. We had known male factor infertility with our first (abnormal forms, poor motility), but after 1 year TTC and two rounds of letrozole with timed intercourse we managed to conceive our daughter (now 2.5 years old). We are older now and my AMH is starting to worsen, so now we have several small reasons to have infertility-age, my AMH and his MFI. Sigh. We've been TTC for 16 months including a miscarriage at 9 weeks last summer. We've done letrozole and timed intercourse, and letrozole with three IUIs which all failed. We took a break this month and unfortunately the next <a href="">IVF</a> cycle doesn't start til August. So we are looking at a possible fresh transfer the last week in August. Good luck ladies!