My husband is stealing my son

Me and my husband have been married a year and my 16 year old never wanted to give him the time of day. His father was very abusive and I left him when I found out he was severely sexually abusing our son... My husband has also been sexually abused so I thought he could be there for him. But my son was extremely shy and kept to himself and didn't like my husband.... They finally started bonding... And they've become close... I'm honestly jealous. He started going to my husband for things he would usually come to me for, like homework help, if he's feeling overwhelmed, or needing to cry... They started watching Star wars together, but me and my do usually watch the Lord of the rings movie together. Now he only wants to watch Star wars. I was going through my husband's phone and found text messages my from son when he was at school asking about a boner he got and it was for a guy at his school and if he may be bisexual. My husband pretty much said getting random boners are normal and it doesn't mean he's gay or bi but if he is there isn't anything wrong with that. I like how he handled that but why didn't my son come to ME! He's come to me for 16 years and now it feels like my husband is completely pushing me OUT of the picture! He even opened up to my husband about what his dad to him. He hardly ever wanted to talk about it with me. I feel like my husband is stealing my son!