Need to vent

I just had my daughter a month ago my pregnancy with her was not the best just appointment after appointment was just bad news she has a cleft lip I had extra amniotic fluid she has extra fluid of her kidneys. My labor didn’t go the way I expected either my labor wasn’t progressing and her heart rate was dropping so I had to have a c section which honestly scared me and still haunted by it she had to go straight to the nicu after birth which was 2 hours away I didn’t get to hold her. I’m having ppd no one asks about my daughter no one wants to talk about her I think it’s because there afraid to say the wrong things but honestly she’s 100% healthy besides the cleft and kidneys which both are fixable. My own best friend had her baby back in February I was there for her messaging her anytime she needed me and giving her advice but now when I message her I get one worded responses which makes me sad. My husband has gotten more angry but if I mention it to him it makes him more upset that I’m telling him he’s being mean. I feel alone I feel like I have no one. I have a 3 year old and I feel like I can’t make time for him because the baby is constantly crying and he acts out because he’s not getting the attention and then that makes my husband mad and he doesn’t get that he acts out because he doesn’t get that same attention anymore. I don’t know really where I’m going with this I had ppd with my son too but it was a different situation... thanks for listening I don’t know I just needed to let something out even if no one reads this.