Checking in 💛


I am finally (albeit slowly) feeling more myself and coming out of this awful rut!

Getting away and out of the city was a huge help and I am focusing on finding gratitude in everyday moments which is keeping me more centred. We always light a candle every evening but I have started doing it with intention. In taking a moment to check in with myself whilst doing this I realised that I think my biggest struggle was/is around how enigmatic a miscarriage feels and that it is has been so difficult to process these waves of grief because it’s almost like there is nothing tangible to mourn?

We decided to plant a tree to help us process. A symbolic presence of our little soul that is starting to flower and will continue to grow. ✨

Thank you all for giving me space to vent and be completely honest. Continuing this journey with increased courage and strength!

I appreciate all of you 💛

I also see a lot of new group members! Welcome!! 🌸

How is everyone doing? Where are the hearts and minds at?