Need advice

I stopped breastfeeding 10 days ago (baby was 4 weeks old) and switched to formula.. he was doing so good on it until about 2 days ago and now when he is awake he seems to be in extreme pain! Always crying and foul smelling farts/poops.. he never ever cried before so it’s so heartbreaking to see.. which is making me feel extreme guilt/depression about giving up the breast.

Our reason for quitting was that I had a massive over supply which was causing baby to projectile spit up after every feed and he also did not have a proper latch and when he did latch he would instantly change into a shallow latch and chew/bite on my nipples to stop the flow I’m assuming due to extremely strong letdowns. I was also engorged and getting clogged ducts that didn’t go away until a couple of days ago. But I’m still leaking and if I press on my boob I get a lot of milk.. so I’m wondering if I should try and reintroduce breastfeeding now that I’m my boobs are back to normal and we might be able to actually get the hang of it or just change formulas and call it a day.

Maybe even breastfeeding a couple times a day and doing formula in between?

Also. If I’m still producing milk after 10 days will it be easy to get back a big supply?