

I'm hoping to find some tips for weaning my daughter.

She's 17 months and very clingy. She often asks for milk when I am home. I've been trying to limit it to once in the morning and before bed time. But I fail hard. She wakes up often at night. She whines and I don't want her to wake her almost 3 yr old brother and I'm exhausted so I just do what I gotta do to get her back to sleep.

I'm at a point where it's starting to get painful and I'm over it. I got pregnant in Jan 18. Had my son in Sep 18. Nursed him. Got pregnant again in Jun 19. Quit breastfeeding because it hurt too much in July 19. Then started back with my daughter in Jan 2020. It's been 3.5 years of pregnancy and breastfeeding. I need to wean for my sanity. My husband is away for an extended time so it's just me with two toddlers and also working FT.

Please tell me ways you've weaned gently 😩