Being a working Mom is effing hard.


Just having a hard day today.

I work as an Underwriter for an insurance company. It's a demanding job but I love it. I take pride in my job and have always been a very driven person.

My son is 2 and his daycare provider just went on maternity leave 3 weeks early and we scrambled to find a new daycare. My coworker just quit her job to start a daycare so we started sending him there last week. It isn't going well. He's refusing to nap for her and she's getting frustrated and texting me everyday that he's crying and waking the other kids up. I just keep offering advice and telling her it's going to take time for him to adjust but I just worry everyday about sending him now and worrying that she's getting upset with him.

I don't feel like I get enough time with my son and the weekends go way too fast. He just turned 2 so I feel like when he is with me, it's a lot of meltdowns and tantrums.

I'm traveling in 2 weeks for work and I'm stressed and worried about leaving my husband and son for 2 days.

Being a working Mom is hard sometimes.