Tips on reducing my breast milk supply


So, as hard as I’ve tried, I am not a good breast milk producer. (I’ve made peace with this- It is what it is. Zero shame. Found a fabulous formula my baby likes!!) I am trying to “dry up” my little supply I have left. Any tips? Just read about a tiny study on Sudafed and how it helped... also read about sage tea being helpful! Either way slowly weaning is best recommended so I’ve cut my pumping time down with longer periods in between pumping.

Anyone else try anything they can recommend!?!

Back history- had my son on June 8th! With my Daughter (7 years ago) I was not a good milk producer but I really wanted to give it a try again... here I am 3 weeks after my son’s birth and it’s been terrible. My son latched immediately and I was so happy but then found out he wasn’t actually pulling milk from my breast so I switched to pumping and did that religiously every two hours and even invested in new parts for my pump to get a better suction and less painful. I had to pump for 45 mins every session and was maxing out at 2.5oz. (19oz in 24hrs) I had to start supplementing with formula (I got the UK Hipp bio organic combiotic formula) now that I’m going to stop breastfeeding/pumping I have decreased my pumping time to 30mins 6-7x every 24hrs. (Now 12oz in 24hrs) It’s taken one day to go down to about 1-2oz per session- BUT the pain my tits are in! For the tiny amount that comes out -they get rock hard and feel like pins and needles in them! I’m on day 3 of weaning. Now I’m tryin to see if there’s anything I can do to speed up the reduction of my little milk production!