Cutting out naps completely?


Has anyone completely cut out naps for their 20 month old? My daughter has never been a good napper. She sleeps up to 12 hours at night, but I think her all-time longest nap was about 90 minutes and that only happened a handful of times. A typical nap is 20-30 minutes and it can take twice that long for her to fall asleep in the first place. I’ve played around with the time of her naps and it’s never made a difference. Currently she’s going through a difficult time with sleep overall and she’s been screaming at the top of her lungs for an hour or more before eventually falling asleep. It’s super stressful for our entire household and doesn’t seem worth it to ultimately get a 20 minute nap. I’m thinking that maybe we should just give up on naps altogether and hope that she’s so exhausted by the end of the day that she gives up the fight at bedtime. Thoughts?