Do you think going back to work would make my situation worse?


How was your transition from a SAHM to the workforce? Did you feel relief or more stress?

I’m a SAHM and not doing as good as I expected. My fiancé graded me a C when I asked for his opinion on how am I doing with our 2yr old. I’m not as organized, I don’t know what to do with my child that would keep her simulated bc she doesn’t know how to focus yet. I clean everything and cook. I’ve always been an accomplished worker but I wanted to break that mentality to focus on family. My fiancé always brings up that he pays for everything during arguments while I don’t help out with my limited savings.

I’m really heart broken bc I grew up with a mom who chose work over family and Im over here thinking about doing the same thing. I have high anxiety and depression with low self esteem so it’s almost essential to have an hr break in the day from my child’s nap so I can mentally take care of myself. I’m scared I’ll lose that little break when going back to work tho. I’m conflicted. 😢 would bringing in money help me feel better like I’m contributing more to my family? Would hiring an experienced nanny be more fruitful to my kid than me hanging out with her?

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