Question with No Judgement Please

Lindsay • Married to my best friend for 6 years and trying for our first child x4 years. Plus size and hopeful! 🤰🏻🤱🏻

This has been on my mind for a while and it’s been bothering me. I want to ask someone I don’t know that can be an impartial third party (without being mean about it!)

My husband and I are very much in love. Married for 4 years, together for 8. We’ve been trying for our first kid for a few years with no success but we’re starting fertility and he’s extremely supportive when I get down about it. We’re best friends and we’re kinda like gross in love, like the people you roll your eyes at. I can be myself no matter how embarrassing or silly, and vise versa. I know he’d never cheat on me, and I’d never do that to him. We of course fight but we don’t like to go to bed angry unless it’s really bad, and even then we always talk about it after.

My question is about our sex life. We have good sex and sometimes great sex (mind you we’re both heavy people). We don’t have a LOT of it though. We have sex maybe a few times a month. We’re both fine with it and it doesn’t bother us but it’s always been a question in the back of my head like is it bad we don’t have more sex? Should we be doing it more? Etc….

We’ve talked about it on many occasions (Ill ask randomly) and he is insistent that he’s ok with it because we both work a LOT and we both get tired and so on which is true. What do you guys think? Do you think somethings wrong? Do you think we should be doing it more? Is it ok that we’re ok with this?

Thanks in advance!