How much socializing does your toddler get?


Hey moms! Just wondering how much socializing your little ones get? And specifically stay at home moms, what do you guys do for socializing and how often? Also, how often do you get out of the house? I used to do play dates, but those same moms now work, moved away, and one just had twins so that will be a while before she has time to get together.

I'm kind of just trying to figure out what a good amount would be to aim for. Most house duties and cooking are my responsibilities so I don't want to put too much on my plate, but I do know my son needs to get out more and see other kids. I'm a bit of a home body, so trying to just see what works for others. I have a 5 week old so I plan on easing in to a good routine for us all eventually. Going to try a baby gymnastics once, maybe twice a week soon. We'll see how it goes, lol.