Do NOT self diagnos yourself with yeast infection

So heres the story. I went to the lake on the 4th of July and wore the same bikini bottoms all day. Within a couple days I had some burning down there and it burned to pee. A year ago I had a yeast infection treated it with monistat 7 and coconut oil and I survived. So I decided to go get some more monistat and treat myself. I noticed when I put the monistat in it burned a bit worse but it did that the first time I used it (a year ago) so I wasn’t concerned. I took the treatment for 4 days and after every treatment it got increasingly worse to the point where I had blisters on and around my Hoohaw. I took the 4th treatment and I was laying in bed at 1am sobbing due to the pain and I decided something was wrong and I needed to go to the hospital. They ran some test and turns out I didn’t have a yeast infection. I had a mild UTI and I was having allergic reactions from the monistat giving myself blisters. Ladies, when I tell y’all worst pain of my life I’m not kidding. Just go get checked and don’t end up like me with blisters on your cooch in the middle of July.