Weight- please help


Hey guys,

I am having trouble with my weight and I have no will power at all. I have been 125-135 throughout high school and college, and now I am between 140-150. I am very embarrassed. Im only 21. Of course, it is extra weight from drinking.

I used to run cross country. I ran since 8th grade and ended my sophomore year of college. I can not seem to run anymore. I am embarrassed of how fast I used to be and how slow I am now ( I went from a 7:15 pace to a 7:45-8 min pace) and the heat and work also gets in my way of running.

I cycle on the bike, but thats not really doing anything. I am supper embarrassed of my weight. I just don’t have time between college, homework, and work.

I feel as if my motivation that I had for years has just left and given up from all the work it takes to exercise and get everything done.

Any recommendations?