Night before C-section


Hi ladies! Can’t sleep. I have to be at the hospital at 5:45am as I’m scheduled for my c-section sometime around 8am. Anxiously awaiting this day until about an hour ago when I realized this is the last night I will ever be pregnant. This is our second child and last. I have spent most of the day just hanging around, watching our son play, crying as I watched him since this is the last day we are a family of three. I tried to relax and just make sure we have everything we need for the hospital. I’m a little nervous, a little excited, a little sad. Cramping/contracting throughout the day, and currently (nothing regular). Just a blah day that feels so wasted now. Just a few more hours to go…. I should probably try and sleep, but I don’t know how I am going to do it.

Going to miss the little guy the next couple of days. We have never spent the night apart. He’s 2 years old. So many emotions right now! I just wanted to get my feelings/thoughts out. Thanks for reading! Good luck to all the mommas!