My July baby boy arrived 😍at 3.15pm 2 days ago,water broke at home while cleaning my car,


Took a shower,prepared dinner then waited for my husband to arrive and we headed to hospital got there at 10pm,I was not in pain so they had to induce me with a pill which they did at 4am, given if at 7am,by 9am I had tough labor pains,until 2,30pm when I felt the urge to push,,I tried 9 pushes until I was soo tired,and no energy,and felt I ve given up, I told the midwife to lubricate my vagina as it felt soo dry😅,my husband laughs about it.I tried one last time and the boy popped like pop corns, 7lbs,I had a tear,was stitched,but forgot all pain when I saw my little one..good luck to other moms