7 month old fighting sleep and throwing tantrums

Bex • Life...uh...finds a way 🦖

We were doing great with napping in the crib and going down in 5 minutes then suddenly these past 2 days, he refuses to nap in the crib. Took me 45 minutes to try and got nowhere then another 15 minutes holding to even nap on me. He'll be sleepy, start to doze off then just start laughing and rolling around. He's been extremely restless during sleep lately too. Even on me, he's twitching and moving. He also started throwing massive tantrums all damn day. Change diaper? Scream kick and flail. Go on play mat? Scream. Go to back? Scream. Flip to belly? Scream. Go to sit-me-up? Scream. I'm losing my freaking mind here! The screaming tantrums are triggering my anxiety so so so bad. Nothing seems to appease him. We're leaving for vacation in 4 days and of course he starts acting up just before 🙄 HELP ME! What the hell am I doing wrong?