Breastfeeding moms, do you drink coffee?

I miss coffee SO MUCH. I stopped drinking it around 7 months pregnant because I had blood pressure issues (even then I was only having one cup a few times a week). Anyway, now I am 8 weeks pp and I want coffee so bad. I try to stay away from caffeine in general because I am EBF, even thought I will take a few sips of a coke every now and then. But I really miss coffee. Do you drink it at all? If you do or don’t, why? Does it effect your baby if you just had like one cup a day in the morning? I know they say you CAN have up to 200 mg a day, just like during pregnancy. I’m mainly concerned if it would upset my daughters stomach or effect her sleep. Obviously I can survive without it I just wanna know if it’s actually a big deal.

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