His girlfriend (said he didn’t have one in 2 years) ,contacted me! Read below before voting pls

Ok so I been talking to this dude for a few months now, nothing serious. We met on a hinge. When we first started talking I asked him his relationship status he told me he was single. 3 days ago I got a friend request from this chick that follows him, and he follows her too. I didn’t let her follow me back. Well yesterday she requested me again. I hit him up about it because they both mutually follow each other and he didn’t respond. I asked him who was she & didn’t say anything. By me asking him this he immediately removed me as a follower. When he didn’t respond to me I just asked her why she requested me & who she was? Come to find out , they are together in a relationship. She was cool about it.. meaning she didn’t explode on me but was obviously hurt.

I blocked him and told her our situation. She told me she also asked him who was I and he told her I was just a follower. Once she told me this I told her everything. I’ve been to his house.. we’ve slept together and all. Clearly he was lying to her and I.

Was I wrong for telling her the details? I feel like maybe I should have just ignored her

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