Manitoba pregnant moma need help

I’m from Manitoba today I’m 27 weeks pregnant, just had my coworker test positive for covid I was only one in contact. My supervisor told public health no one was exposed cause she did the night shift and cleaned the office. Which I know she didn’t sanitize the entire damn office I worked in right after her for 12hrs. After my shift I go home go to bed for next shift wake up in the middle of the night to a bad fever and hard to breath still had to go to work cause I have no one to call for back up.

I got texted after my shift and am home now even if my results come back negative I want to wait till the isolate date anyway just to be safe & I also am super pissed at how my work handled the situation. I’m not comfortable going back cause there’s more to this situation also too much to type.

My shifts are 12 hrs. At a computer working with truckers from all over & no one to call if I have a emergency and need to leave. So now I’ve had my mom and friends tell me to see if I can get stress leave so I wanted to look up as much as I can since I know nothing about work leave specially pregnant I saw this and was also told by a mom friend online to take leave In this order. I’m wondering if your from Manitoba and know what I can do without losing my maternity leave. My job isn’t safe with my arm acting up from my surgery in April being pregnant this whole covid exposure I’m just so done with them right now my health is not in their interest at all.