Should I reach out to my co-workers?

I feel like this whole situation is my fault. There was this guy at my job who is 19. I'm 17 almost 18 and I really like him. He's just so shy. He just does his Job, goes to work, goes home and that's it. I also recognized him from somewhere but wasn't sure where. I was telling my work best friend about how I feel like I've seen him somewhere. At least his name. So.... We googled him at work during our lunch and we found stuff about his FATHER being arrested for molesting his 2 sons... I felt bad for him. His FATHER was arrested 8montha ago.. I didn't expect things to get as out of hand. Because more and more people were behind is reading what I was reading on my laptop. This got around sooo quickly and a lot of people where talking bout it. Some of my co-workers were whispering and pointed back at him. He could obviously tell people were talking about him. Thursday he no called no showed to work. Same for Saturday and today.... I was thinking about reaching out on Facebook. Also if it gets back that I technically started this to my boss will I be fired?