My husband is oblivious to everything but work.

Our kids are 11 and 13. They were both told this morning, by my husband, to get off of their devices and to go outside and play. My husband tends to give a lot more leeway to the oldest, but basically, he can do whatever he wants, or that’s how I feel anyway. The younger boy has more boundaries according to my husband because he’s younger and more of a brat. Anyway. I passed by the living room window and the oldest is on his phone scrolling on Instagram. I made a comment to my husband about it and he said well he’s older and he has a girlfriend, and I asked him if that makes it ok. His response was that he didn’t want to fight. Our oldest came back in and my husband said “son, I don’t want you on your phone”. And he lied to him and said he wasn’t, so I called him out and told him it was a lie, and everybody got pissed off at me. He went outside and kicked over my plants and then laid underneath my husbands truck with the dog. This type of thing happens all the time, and every time I try to talk to my husband about ground rules, he will agree and then never helps me enforce them. I always feel like the bad guy and I’m so tired of it.

Editing to say I AM ALWAYS the one who enforcers the rules. My husband will not. He will agree with me behind closed doors and when the kids aren’t present, but he will not put his foot down when something actually happens. It’s the fact that my husband told them both to get off of their devices, and he had the audacity to say “well he’s older and has a girlfriend”. He doesn’t want to lay down the law and half the time doesn’t know what’s going on, and it’s always a he said she said ordeal.