Am i the asshole?

I just turned 20 and my boyfriend is almost 19.

We’ve been dating for a month, and he does not live in my town. Hes about thirty minutes out and i drive back and forth to his place 1-2x a week. Im also in college and working as a waitress to pay off my debt.

Hes been angry because recently I haven’t been able to drive there and ive seen him like once a week, which im not happy about either. However he never offers to come down. He does not have a license or a permit and says he doesnt want to uber or ask his parents to take him.

I saw him recently and ended up getting sick from whatever he had. Like really sick. I told him i might not be able to make the drive up there tomorrow and asked if we could reschedule to thursday.

He blew up on me and said im always changing plans, and that he wants to ideally see me 5-6x a week. I apologized profusely and said i was really wanting to make it tuesday but my throat is so sore i cant even speak. He’s mad at me and is now saying hes not sure if he wants to see me this week. Im not sure what to do