My mums had heart surgery, found out her bf takes coke

He's hidden coke underneath my mums bed, my nephew goes there hes a toddler, it's really easy for him to put his hands under the bed.

My mums in the hospital for a heart problem we didn't know she had no I'm worried she might of been taking coke as well. I don't know if I'm over reacting because I've found out that he takes coke and it was hidden under my mums bed.

My mums been ill for a while, ever since he came into her life where she lives is a complete mess.

She really does have the worst taste in men, and she's unwell with a lot of health conditions.

One of the men had a machete in her car and caused her to lose her license and nearly get arrested.

I know she's an adult and can make her own decisions, but it's so stressful, I just feel like I'm going to lose her and I just don't know what to do

I feel like because of her health conditions she's vulnerable, she doesn't leave the house, she's on loads of meds, she ends up in hospital because of her illnesses.

Its been worse since she was with him, just always eating takeaways every night, not taking care of herself and always stressed out every time I've been there they are arguing

I can't say anything to her especially now because she's in hospital

I am frustrated that she knew that he had coke there because she told my brother. My nephew could of gotten hold of that