Am I right to feel hurt about this?

Honest question.

My fiancé and I were talking about “free the titty” and also a hypothetical world where clothes aren’t required, and I was talking about how personally I would feel threatened a being so exposed, but I could get on board with free the titty. I then said “but you don’t want it for like, a perverted reason right it’s not like you want to free the titty cause it’s sexual?” And he was like “well it is sexual but that doesn’t mean I want to have sex with them I just like titties and I’m sex positive and feel comfortable as a sexual being.”

I feel like I’m not enough for him, like why does being a sexual being have to include everyone else why aren’t my titties enough for him if it is a sexual thing??

I feel really confused, he told me he understands how I feel “right now”, and that he “used to be that way” (we both grew up in high control/very sex repressed cults, so sexual positivity is something I’m still learning to be comfortable about) but the only issues arise when it comes to what makes me jealous. I feel jealous when he talks about how much he appreciates nudity and how comfortable he is with it, because he said it’s a sexual thing. He likes looking at other naked women because he “appreciates the human body”… I don’t know. I feel really small. Am I the one who needs to grow here or would this bother/hurt you too?