Coincidence? Ex only shows up on social media when I post a picture of me and the new guy I'm dating

My ex is angry at me after we broke up, and always skips my instagram stories. I told him I wanted to be friends, but maintained a huge distance for reasons (See backstory). He stopped using social media after we broke up, but would coincidentally appear whenever I post something with this new guy I'm dating..

[ Quick backstory:

He wanted the breakup so ignored me for a week until I broke up with him. According to my therapist, he was emotionally abusive to me and left me for another girl on multiple occasions. 3 months later I'm seeing a new guy and he's extremely sweet and emotionally supportive. ]

Recently posted a photo with the new guy I'm dating at the beach. My ex coincidentally sees this on my story, skips the rest of my stories, then posts his own story after not posting a story for at least a year in a half.

Coincidence or not?