Am i onto something here? 🤔

Im finally ready to step back in to the dating world again after coming from an abusive toxic relationship. Theres this guy i think I like, or I’d like to get to know. Ive never met him in the flesh but we are facebook and snapchat friends. We both have kids and I’ve seen snaps of how he is with his parents, his puppy etc, and he seems really nice and definitely my type. Ive replied to a few of his snaps over the space of the past few weeks but always thought he was just replying out of politeness. Today however, out of the blue he randomly sent me a snap of him and one of his older children in his new hot tub. This is the first time he ever done something like that so I replied by saying id love to be there in the hot tub, he replied back “yesss 🙌🏼” so the conversation picked up from there and i think its safe to say, he if didn’t realise i like him before, then he knows now lol. I cant be bothered with little hints life’s too short, so i made it clear that id like us to meet up. Its a bit awkward at the moment because he has his parents living with him while their new house is being renovated so i said i didnt mind waiting. Im excited to see how this will turn out, do you think there could be a chance here? We live about 30 mins drive apart