What do you think?

I’ve heard that if a man speeds off the minute you get out of the car, he doesn’t care about you. It happened before and the guy was just using me. It just happened with the new guy I’m dating and it brought back old feelings of being used. I know it’s probably nothing, I’m just trying to lift that negative weight off my shoulders

- there are times that he has waited just not this time. I should’ve probably shared that I gave him head and threw up all over him (I was high & full 😂) so maybe he was just rushing home to shower and change. He was not a dick about it at all. He was also trying to fit going to the gym in his schedule before they closed.

- I was high 😂 ok. I still have some residual high. High people write anything. That’s why I didn’t include the full story first and asked anyway because I wasn’t processing things clearly. I’m good now.. kinda 🤣