😭well..I guess I got my hair thined out


😭😰 the last 2 days there has been a hear advisory out, today the heat index was up to 105!! So we've only been going out for very short amounts of time. Well today my son throws a fit about it and when I picked him up he pulled out a chunk of my hair! Then we get inside the house and he pulled out another chunk of hair! I smacked him hard on the butt which I’ve never done before and he stared wailing and screaming. I literally put him down ran and locked myself in the bathroom for 15 minutes. We were both crying, when I came out he started crying again and just hugged me. Wouldn’t leave my side, wouldn’t eat, and eventually fell asleep on my shoulder.

That’s just what came out in the hair brush tonight 😬😭 please send good vibes or say a prayer for me! My head hurts so much