XXY and having a baby -please help


XXY if you don’t know is basically where a man can have an extra X chromosome. A man would normally be XY and a woman would be XX. My partner has all. He is XXY. This does not make him a women, he has all the bits and attributes of a man. Luckily he is on the lower end of the spectrum. The only things it effects is his height, he is 6”3’ and his sperm count is low.

I won’t go too much into it but it effects him that he has a very low chance of having a child of his own. We have been together for nearly 2 years and I want to start thinking about having children within the next 3 years. I have had many conversations over the past 2 years and he keeps saying he will contact the doctors for a sperm test. He has contacted them but not got the test booked in they referred him for. I have been off the pill for 10 months and recently got diagnosed with PCOS myself. I feel like it’s hard for him but he is 8 years older than me and I don’t want to be too old before I have children.

I don’t know how to move this forward. I love him so much and I don’t want to be with anyone else. If he can’t offer me his own children I know it will break him and I think that’s why he’s putting it off with the appointment. At the same time I don’t want to keep badgering him about the appointment, but I just want to know how we can move forward. If we have to do <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> then that’s okay but if there is no sperm for him I don’t want to waste the resources and finding out later down the line is going to make it harder. Also I am open to the idea of adoption and also a sperm donor. I know he isn’t so open to the idea. The only reason I would want a sperm donor is I have no children and have never had the experience of being pregnant.

Please help me with how to bring this up in a different way to him. It’s something I think about a lot now. A lot of my friends and surrounding people are having babies and it’s making me feel jealous. I don’t want him to feel bad for this as he can’t help it but I want to be stern and say I need to know soon. Any other opinion and suggestion is welcomed.

Thanks for reading