Well I'm done! Fucking husband.🤦🏻‍♀️ Long post

So let me just put this out here I put a post up about a few weeks ago before I started my fertile window, I was very close to my fertile window, and I explained to my husband that I was okay with him masturbating but to slow down or to stop completely, just while I'm in my fertile window and when I am on my period for 5 days, then he can go back to doing what he needs to do, if he doesn't feel comfortable having sex while I'm on my period. And I just had this weird feeling today and decided to go on the web browser on his phone and the first thing that popped up was a porn site I clicked on the history and he's been watching porn during my fertile window, mind you we've been having sex every single day and only skip two days during the week, he could have had sex with me, he told me he was too tired to have sex and he said his hand is quicker instead, so I'm a little confused on what I should do or feel, I freaked out and I am so pissed off it's unreal, he knows how this makes me feel, and he told me his porn addiction would change, he knows how hard I've been charting and planning and trying to conceive for almost a year and this has been the main cause prior to this as to why I can't get pregnant he tells me that using his hand is quicker than just having sex and a lot of the porn searches that he looks up has nothing to do with me (similar to me) or our sex life and it just feels like he's trying to fill that void, that I apparently cannot give him and it really hurts me. I've explained this to him I didn't tell him to completely stop but at least just let his body build up for the two days that we didn't have sex if he was tired and then go back to doing what we were doing before, he explained to me that he wanted to have another baby so bad with me and he decided to go behind my back instead of when I asked him to just tell me the truth he lies about the littlest thing and who knows what else he's lying about, I don't know what else to do anymore so if someone can give me some opinions that would be great please no negative comments, I'm just hurt right now.

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