Am I being dramatic over sushi?


Hello all. So my cousins and I are very tight as we are all the same age. So we hang out a lot etc. Recently things have gotten weird between them and I. My cousins love sushi. Like obsessively love sushi. When they dine out it's always sushi and when they order in it's always sushi. I hate sushi and because I'm pregnant I can't have any anyway. But they never make an effort to try something I can have as well. And I'm at the point that I told them to stop asking me for sushi cuz I'm never going to come. And I find it so inconsiderate because all they ever want to eat a sushi and they invite me thinking they're being nice but I can't have it. When I brought it up with one of my cousin she's just like "I really love sushi" and "I'm like I get that but what about me?" And they make it seem like I'm being an asshole for asking to eat something different. I try to make plans for other venues and no one's interested unless it's sushi. Am I overeacting? 😅