Free childcare


As a stay at home mom I know my worth. I have a degree in Early Child Development Family Science with a background in Special Education. I have two children of my own.

I have put a listing for at home child care for one-two children. I am only getting responses from people asking for free full time or part time child care and I provide either meals and or diapers and wipes.

I am actually stunned peoples messages to me saying well "you are a stay at home mom and so you really shouldn't need the money." I am taking time away from my children, I am taking the risk and responsibility of your children, and I know my worth.

I already do enough helping of friends and family when people are in a pinch as it takes a village. My husband works overtime and hard to provide for our family and it doesn't just get handed to us.

I keep directing these people to churches and or looking for swapping childcare and they are actually thinking they are above that. One actually said she just wants someone to volunteer as her daughter is one and full of energy and fun it would be like a play date everyday for my children. I actually cannot believe people expect this.