Strep throat


So my 5 year old woke up this morning with a low grade temp of 99.7 she said her throat hurt, and she had D 3 times (however we all just had a stomach bug so it was probably just lingering) I took her to urgent care this morning and they swabbed her for strep, he said it came back “faintly positive”. Well I’m now freaking out, because last night I drank after her. I was just on antibiotics for an ear infection a week and a half ago, and I cannot take anymore because I have a history of cdiff. I just do not want to risk it, the dr told me I had a 50/50 chance of catching it.

My question is, have your kids had strep and you didn’t catch it? Even after drinking after them and obviously being around them? I know I’m probably worrying too much too soon. She’s starting antibiotics now, but I read it could take 2-5 days to become sick after exposure. 😬