Situation w/ daughters friend...

My daughter is 15 and has a friend who is 16 yrs old. This young girl is new to the area and her and my daughter have gotten close within the last 3 months, over Summer Break. My daughter and I have a great relationship and she knows she can come talk to me about whatever, whenever. Well mu daughter assumes the same goes for her friends, which it doesn't. These kids are minors and I have to take into account that they have parents who do things differently than me. Well last month my daughter and her friend came and woke me up a at almost midnight saying it was very important. I go downstairs and her friend is a mess, balling her eyes out. Her boyfriend left her for another girl and she's now depressed. I tell her what I would tell my daughter "you're young, pick up the pieces and move on" alot more than that but that's basically the jist of it all.Its now almost every other day that this young girl wants to talk to me but the conversations are too personal now. She's now asking me for advice on her new relationships, sex, contraceptives and sometimes things regarding her mental health. Not only is this an ongoing thing bit it's draining and I feel she needs to talk to her Mom about it. I know what I would tell my daughter but she's not my daughter and I don't want to overstep whatever she is taught at home. I've told her several times that she should speak with her own Mom about these issues but she says her Mom "doesn't get it" and she "isn't cool like me"😑I don't want to be "the cool mom" that takes on the other kids drama. Of course if it's something alarming then I would intervene but issues like this I don't want to open the door up for discussion. How do I put a stop to this without hurting her feelings? I really don't want to take on this young girls drama, as selfish as it is my focus Is on me and my family only....