Need help


So I’ve been suspecting my husband is cheating but I can’t figure out if he is or isn’t. For the last couple weeks I’ve been finding blond hair in his socks and I’m a brunette no way it’s mine. But I can’t wrap my mind on how he can get it on socks. It’s just driving me crazy. I need to know if something is going on. I have a bad gut feeling he is. I’ve asked him before if he’s seeing any one because for a while there he was being really distant. but he says I’m crazy and acts like nothing is wrong. He’s always so cautious about his phone carries it everywhere with him. Like something is up. I know it sounds like I’m very insecure but he’s been very distant and a women needs to feel loved and reassured nothing is going on. And he never does it. I honestly don’t know what to think anymore. But one thing I know is He’s changed. But I don’t know why..I try asking him or talking to him but I get nothing. I just want to know if he is and if he’s not happy and found someone else is fine I’ll accept it. It will hurt but I can appreciate a mans honesty usted of being lied on for the rest of my life. And if he’s seeing someone else and is keeping it from me and waisting my time then I need to know why for what..I don’t understand why if a man is not happy and wants someone else, they can’t just say it and end it. Instead they lie and want to still be with both people. It doesn’t make sense. Does anyone know of any ideas on how I can find ways of finding out if he’s having and affair or not? It’s driving me crazy I need to know! Maybe tracking his location with out him knowing?