Can I get some opinions on this?😅

Can I get some opinions on this? 😅 I am 21 and have 2 month old daughter. Her dad and I dated through high school and ended up getting back together in college when I got pregnant. We split up when I was about 3 months pregnant because we were fighting and I didn’t feel like he was taking the responsibility of preparing to become a dad seriously. We didn’t communicate much throughout my pregnancy and after my daughter was born he came to see her a few times before leaving back to college. He honestly wasn’t being a good dad, he wasn’t providing much and didn’t visit as often as he should’ve. He is now a few states away at college and we have been talking and he is wanting to give things another try. If he can really work on himself I would love to be able to give our daughter a family with both parents since I never had that. I live with my mom and she has helped me out a lot with the baby since he wasn’t around much. She saw why we broke up and how he wasn’t being the dad so she is very angry at the idea. She is telling me I’m selfish if I do this and some other hurtful things. I get where she is coming from but I think she forgets I’m an adult sometimes and she can’t tell me what to do. This is a hard spot to be in. I don’t want to be a single mom if I don’t have to and it isn’t up to my mom or family.